When the river runs dry book
When the river runs dry book

when the river runs dry book

We were bound for the Colorado’s headwaters, just over the Continental Divide, roughly fifty miles south of the Wyoming state line. Most of her work in recent years has involved the river’s other end, in Mexico, but she had agreed to show me its source. She has long brown hair, which she had pulled back into a ponytail, and she was wearing a purple fleece. Pitt, who is in her forties, is the director of the E.D.F.’s Colorado River Program. The other passenger, sitting in the co-pilot’s seat and leaning out the window with a camera, was Jennifer Pitt, a senior researcher for the Environmental Defense Fund. Snow had fallen in the mountains during the night, and I half expected it to swirl up in the plane’s wake. “But if you ask them to count backward from a hundred by sevens they have trouble.” What struck me at that moment was not how high we were but how low: a little earlier, we had flown within what seemed like hailing distance of the sheer east face of Longs Peak, and now, as Kunkel banked steeply to the right to give a better view of a stream at the bottom of a narrow valley, his wingtip appeared to pass just feet from the jagged declivity beneath. “People don’t usually think altitude is affecting them,” he said. We were in a Maule M-7, a single-engine “backcountry” plane, and Kunkel was navigating with the help of an iPad Mini, which was resting on his legs. We had taken off from Boulder that morning, and were flying over Rocky Mountain National Park, about thirty miles to the northwest. In the great tribulation, the eastern invader will cross the Euphrates, march through Babylon, and enter Palestine.Our pilot, David Kunkel, asked me to retrieve his oxygen bottle from under my seat, and when I handed it to him he gripped the plastic breathing tube with his teeth and opened the valve. They were able to march into Babylon on the dry river bed and capture the city. In the first century, when Revelation was written, the Euphrates divided East from West, and the kingdoms of China and India lay beyond it to the east.Ĭenturies earlier, the armies of Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon by diverting the Euphrates that flowed through the city. It flows almost 2,000 miles toward Palestine before making its way southeast to the Persian Gulf. To some extent the river provided protection for Israel because it was difficult to cross and a wilderness to the west separated it from Canaan, the Promised Land.

when the river runs dry book

It was the eastern boundary of Israel's inheritance (Deuteronomy 1:7 11:24). The Euphrates is called "the great river" five times in Scripture. Rather, it seems to be about removing a barrier used for defensive purposes: preparing the way for invading kings from the east. This judgment is not about corrupting or removing the use of this water. Prior bowl judgments have either corrupted or destroyed most of the water on earth (Revelation 16:1–4).

when the river runs dry book

The contents of the bowl caused the river to dry up. This verse tells us the sixth angel poured his bowl on the river Euphrates.

When the river runs dry book