Claire le pichon
Claire le pichon

claire le pichon

Le Pichon described the environment at Genentech as exciting and hard working, where smart and creative scientists from various disciplines worked together to make discoveries and develop new medicines without having to worry about funding. There will be opportunities everywhere you turn.” She was right.

claire le pichon claire le pichon

Although initially hesitant to switch to industry-“I worried about that a lot at first, that if I went into industry, it would be a path of no return”-she justified her decision, thinking, “You can’t not take a path just because it might close a door somewhere else. The year prior to Le Pichon’s arrival in California, Genentech started investing resources into neuroscience by recruiting bright, young scientists from biochemistry to behavioral neurobiology. She moved across the country to work at Genentech, the first biotech company and a leader at the forefront of cancer research. Her PhD project produced two first author papers, one in the Journal of Comparative Neurology and one in Nature Neuroscience, in which she identified a novel olfactory phenotype of prion protein knockout mice, using mouse genetics, electrophysiology, and behavior.Īfter her successful PhD, Le Pichon decided to enter the private sector during a time when academia and industry seemed very much separate worlds. Le Pichon received her PhD from the Biological Sciences Program at Columbia University where she studied olfaction in Dr. But now, Le Pichon has her dream job at the NIH, and she is happy to settle in the U.S. Le Pichon moved to the United States, Hong Kong, France, and back to the U.K.-all before attending graduate school in New York. Born in the United Kingdom to a French father and a Chinese mother, Dr.

Claire le pichon